With my heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through my veins, a countenance of sheer terror plastered on my face, I tip-toed/was pushed to the edge of the platform. My toes slid of the edge – inched closer to freedom, closer to overcoming fear, closer to an experience of a lifetime, but at that moment, all I could think was that it brought me one inch closer to falling.
Honestly, I was absolutely petrified. Waiting for my number to be called I had danced, cried, screamed, gone silent, and everything in between. And then… “Ninety-four! You’re up!” Oh shit. That was the extent of this to-be-Cardinal’s thoughts (pretty insightful – huh?).
And then, I was there on the edge and it was time to sink or swim. I took a deep breath and steadied myself. I was prepared to do this. I could do this. I was totally ready. Excited actually. I tried to flood my brain with positive thoughts with no such luck. I freaked out. Completely lost it and fell back into the two guys who were holding me up. After a solid panic attack, I finally managed to squeak out the words “Okay, just push me!” And push me they did. Terror evaporated into exhilaration. In those few precious moments I found complete stillness, complete silence. Over the river, above the trees, on top of the world – I soared. I know it’s cliché, but it was as if time stood still and I was complete content.
Finally the rope caught and I was returned to reality. All fear had vanished and I had never felt so alive. Even though I was upside down, the view was absolutely phenomenal!
Eventually, I was lifted back up to the bridge where I proceeded to jump for literally the next hour. Before I jumped the phrase “If all your friends walked off a cliff would you do it?” ran through my head. Jumping off a bridge is a ridiculous notion. Silly actually. But it was the most incredible, outrageous, indescribable thing I have ever done. In fact, I might just do it again.