As my time in Cape Town is coming to a close I can’t help but reflect back on all the incredible experiences I’ve had here. Some of these I’ve already written about and some are new, but when I think back to Cape Town these will be the experiences I remember.
Big Ticket Items:
Bungee Jumping!
Definitely one of the most thrilling, memorable experiences of my life!
Riding an Elephant!
Definitely something on my bucket list that I can now cross off!
Shark Cage Diving!
Petting a baby cheetah!
Classic Cape Town Activities:
Robben Island Tour
This was at the end of the tour when we all congregated in what was the dining hall and our guide, an ex-political prisoner at Robben Island, gave the most inspiring speech about how South Africa has overcome incredible adversity and now truly is a rainbow nation. The way in which they were able to not forget but still forgive and move forward is remarkable and a lesson that would do us all some good to take to heart.
Braai at Mzoli's!
To all my vegetarian friends - I'm sorry if this disturbs you but you're going to have to compromise your principles for a day and experience this extravaganza. You are supposed to bring your own plates but we didn't know that so we ate all the meat straight out of a bucket. And truth be told it was some of the most delicious meat I have ever had!
Hiking Table Mountain!
It took us four hours and climbing up a flowing waterfall but we made it to the top! Thank goodness the cable car was running on the way down so it was a much quicker ride down! It was mind boggling that what took us four hours to hike up took less than four minutes to go down in the cable car.
District Six Museum
If you ever come to Cape Town you must go to District Six Museum (even you non-museum lovers will be able to handle this museum.) District Six was a multi-racial community that the apartheid government bulldozed down upsetting the masses in the process. District Six was a representation of how South Africa could exist with all races living together in harmony.
"Through you I am."
Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of go-karting but I decided it definitely is worthy of mentioning. To all of you who say I am a terrible driver (okay - I admit I can be just a wee bit reckless sometimes), but I was the only girl in the finals. I was pretty proud of that. =P
I also don't have a picture of the men who would play music on the trains but I have to throw a bone their way too because they are just great! Whenever I got on the train and they were there it automatically made my day! They were always so upbeat and fun and it was always a party on the train when they were there!
The Experiences I will hold Closest to my Heart:
Playing with Aiden.
I swear to you this little booger was intent on breaking my neck but we had so much fun! He is such a character and I will miss his smile so much!

Becoming a Professional Cement Mixer
But seriously, if you ever need a sand bag wall built - I'm your girl.
I don't even know where to begin with Bonnytoun. The stories I heard here and the talks I had with the boys will forever stay with me. What was truly rewarding was having real discussions with a few of the boys who really want to change their ways and go to school and make something of themselves once they get out.
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Getting lots of mail from my mama! Thank you thank you! |
Riding the Mini Bus
Riding the mini buses in South Africa is one of the most ridiculous experiences. Most of these mini buses are certified to hold sixteen people (although they really shouldn't hold more than 12 or 13), but on occasion they will squeeze eighteen people into these crowded vans. One thing I will not miss about South Africa is being stuck in the last row of the mini bus, squished next to three other people, and going over humped zebra crossings (speed bumps). On the other hand I will really miss the attendant at the mini bus station who always saves the front seats of the mini bus for Kayla and I.
Working at the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office
There are no words to describe my six weeks at this office. I've done research reports, written legal opinions, had initial consultations and meetings with clients, endlessly phoned the DHA (Department of Home Affairs), complete applications for certification and endless other legal tasks. But every time a client comes in it is a reminder that these files are more than the pieces of paper in them. These files are real people with real and unbelievable issues. I have been so blessed to work with these people as they have touched my life in a truly indescribable way. Some of the clients I have come across are so dejected and hopeless and other are remarkably resilient and optimistic. I will forever hold close to my heart many of these people who have played such a huge role in shaping me in such a short period of time.
This pretty much describes me and Kayla. She's my roommate. I don't even know what to say about her. She is the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni, and the pop to my tart. She gets my quirks and I get hers. We both love yoga and read Buddhist Wisdom every day. Basically, I cannot imagine going through this without her. So kudos to Kayla for being able to put up with me literally 24/7. Love you, girl!
Gaining a New Family
These six people (plus Paolo - long story) have been with me the last two and a half months. I don't know how to put into words how close we have become so quickly. I depend on them to hold me up when I'm down and I do the same for same. We've gone through extreme highs and extreme lows together. We bungee jumped together, built together, celebrated Thanksgiving together, and grew together. I am so blessed to have these guys in my life and to have gained a whole new family.
Ubuntu – “I Am because We Are.”
What will stay with me most from Cape Town are the people I met here. From the boys at Bonnytoun to the women at Philisa Abafazi Bethu to the Projects Abroad Office Staff (who were so incredibly kind and helpful!) to our quirky lawyers at the Human Rights Office to the random people on the mini buses and trains who would either tell Kayla and I peculiar stories or asking us a string of unending questions to my loud and proud host family to the other volunteers who run the whole gamut of personalities to my new family of seven questioning and crazy gap-yearers - the people here are what have made Cape Town my home. Through my time in Cape Town I have come to see how true the Zulu phrase “Ubuntu” is. I am because we are.
Kayla put it best when she said “leaving feels like we are going on vacation and then coming back here (to Cape Town)”. This has become our home. And while I am so sad to be leaving my new home, I leave with the knowledge that I will be back here one day and with the knowledge that I get to see all of you when I get back to San Clemente! So thank you for following me on my adventure thus far and I promise to be back and writing in the new year (crazy that it’s almost 2012, right?!) and from Peru!
Merry Christmas!